Home > Publications
In this section, I provide an overview of my intellectual production. All of my written work, organized into categories, is available for free and open access in the "Publicaciones" folder of my space at Google Drive.
Among these works, there is:
Four digital books on indigenous libraries.
A group of photography books.
A series of novels and short stories.
Additionally, in the framework of project Instrumentarium, there is a series of books (in Spanish and English) and of articles (in Spanish and English) on music and musical instruments;
Between 2007 and 2022, most of my digital books were published through my Wayrachaki Editora imprint, a personal and independent initiative. Since 2023, this activity was complemented by El Zorro de Abajo Editora.
Please note that all content is protected by copyright and distributed under a Creative Commons license (refer to the copyright and disclaimer section for details).
My work is uploaded to Archive.org and the Argentinean open access repository Acta Académica. A handful of those texts are also available in the open access archive DLIST, from the University of Arizona (USA). And although in the past, I stored and presented them on E-LIS, they were removed from there around 2016 due to strong differences with the structure and management model of that space.