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El Zorro de Abajo Editora
Founded in 2023, El Zorro de Abajo Editora ("the fox from below") complements the work of Wayrachaki Editora (see below). It aims to produce exclusively digital books, distributed under open-access licenses, with content primarily focused on disseminating knowledge related to memories and traditional practices, particularly those of indigenous and Latin American origin.
The publishing house's name derives from a story included in the Manuscrito de Huarochirí, an original work from the 17th century. This story was translated from Quechua into Spanish for the first time by the Peruvian writer José María Arguedas in 1966, under Dioses y hombres de Huarochirí. The story, found in Chapter 5 of the manuscript, is extremely brief. It recounts the dialogue between two foxes, one "from above" and one "from below", following the traditional binary division of Andean spaces. They meet on the slopes of Latauzaco hill and exchange news of their respective communities. The "fox from below" was chosen due to the original author's omission of the gossip shared (the daughter of a chief almost died from a miscarriage), leaving it underdeveloped within the narrative.

Wayrachaki Editora
Wayrachaki Editora, a Runasimi or Quechua word meaning "wind feet" or "wanderer", was an initiative born in 2007 in Córdoba, Argentina. At that time, independent publishers and imprints dedicated exclusively to digital and open-access content were not yet well known. Through this initiative, I published my works on libraries in indigenous societies. These works are available today in the form of four digital books.
Later on, Wayrachaki Editora was retaken with the same spirit with which it was born (edition of exclusively digital books, to be distributed under open access licenses), and focused on the dissemination of contents related to memories and traditional knowledge, especially indigenous and Latin American ones. It has published several books on music and musical instruments.
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